Joh and Flo Bjelke Petersen
Courier Mail, 1996
Joh entered Parliament as a Country Party-National Party member in 1947. He first entered the Cabinet as Minister for Works & Housing in 1963, and became Premier in 1968. The controversial Bjelke-Petersen dominated Qld politics for 20 years, an outspoken reactionary with clear hostility to civil rights, environment, social welfare, organised unions and land rights for Aborigines.
His favouritism towards big business in Qld was even clearer and like many populists, he was impatient and confrontational with parliamentary procedures: he abused parliamentary arrangements, denied the Opposition its legitimate access to facilities, suppressed debate, denied information to the media and often forced ill-conceived, hastily drafted legislation through Parliament.
Queensland was the only Australian state that didn’t have an Upper House; its unicameral parliament meant the normal checks and balances were absent. Worse still were: the weak Labour Party opposition; Bjelke-Petersen's total control over his Conservative Liberal Party coalition partner; and his domination of the Cabinet room.
In the tradition of agrarian populist politicians, Joh didn’t worry about his inability to articulate. His favourite answer to ANY question: Now, don't you worry about that
Among crises that brought him to attention at a national level, in 1971 he declared a state of emergency in Queensland as a reaction to demonstrations against touring South African Rugby Union Springboks.
In 1972-5, Bjelke-Petersen clashed with the Federal Labour Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Joh established himself as a major political figure and a strong voice for states' rights, dedicating himself to one cause: the obstruction and destruction of the first Federal Labour government since 1949. In 1975 he played a key part in undermining that Labour government; in defiance of established tradition, Bjelke-Petersen selected his own candidate to fill a casual Senate vacancy in the Federal Parliament, thwarting Labour's attempt to gain a Senate majority. His plot was critical to the events leading to Gough Whitlam being sacked as Prime Minister in Nov 1975.
Queensland was the only Australian state that didn’t have an Upper House; its unicameral parliament meant the normal checks and balances were absent. Worse still were: the weak Labour Party opposition; Bjelke-Petersen's total control over his Conservative Liberal Party coalition partner; and his domination of the Cabinet room.
In the tradition of agrarian populist politicians, Joh didn’t worry about his inability to articulate. His favourite answer to ANY question: Now, don't you worry about that
Among crises that brought him to attention at a national level, in 1971 he declared a state of emergency in Queensland as a reaction to demonstrations against touring South African Rugby Union Springboks.
In 1972-5, Bjelke-Petersen clashed with the Federal Labour Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Joh established himself as a major political figure and a strong voice for states' rights, dedicating himself to one cause: the obstruction and destruction of the first Federal Labour government since 1949. In 1975 he played a key part in undermining that Labour government; in defiance of established tradition, Bjelke-Petersen selected his own candidate to fill a casual Senate vacancy in the Federal Parliament, thwarting Labour's attempt to gain a Senate majority. His plot was critical to the events leading to Gough Whitlam being sacked as Prime Minister in Nov 1975.
Police dragged protesters into gaol
"How far with Bjelke-Petersen go?"
Nation Review, 1977
Bjelke-Petersen continued his tough right-wing policies. In Sept 1977 he banned political protests, leading to clashes with uranium protesters, unionists, students, liberals and mostly women. He showed little concern for heritage and environmental issues, attracting public fury over the 1979 demolition of Brisbane's historic Bellevue Hotel, and favouring oil drilling IN the Great Barrier Reef. He revealed a moralistic stroke, banning Playboy magazine, opposing school sex education and condom vending machines, and trying to ban women flying interstate for abortions 1980. He tried to ban gay teachers from being employed in schools.
Bjelke-Petersen’s reign as Queensland’s premier began in 1968 and ended ingloriously in 1987 with the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption. Over 2 years, they uncovered a deep web of corruption implicating many at the highest levels of government and police.
Bellevue Hotel Brisbane
built 1885, demolished 1972
State Library Qld
His wife Florence/Flo was seen as an integral part of Joh's political life. As an extension of his political performance, Flo was unwavering in her partisanship. She was elected to the Federal Senate in 1980 as a National Party member for Queensland, commanding respect in her own right while being seen as Joh's “Federal rep”.
He also relied on corrupt police to prop up his government. Dissenters faced police brutality in the streets. Repressive laws that banned protests meant taking to the streets could result in imprisonment for protesters and the media. In 1980, despite criticism by lawyers and civil liberties groups, Joh’s new Police Act further empowered the police.
In 1983 Bjelke-Petersen led his National Party to a victory where he formed a one-party state government, rather than governing in coalition with the Conservative Liberal Party. Owing to Qld’s electoral gerrymander, small populated rural electorates dominated highly populated urban ones i.e the National Party won with 39% of the vote, while Labour lost on 44%. This biased system, a Bjelke-mander, operated in total defiance of the principle of one person one vote.
In 1986 Bjelke-Petersen sensed a loss of direction at the Federal level among the conservatives. He led a campaign, Joh for PM, to have himself elected to Federal Parliament. But Jo’s bid for power split the Federal Coalition.
In May 1987, ABC tv programme Four Corners aired the first public allegations of organised crime and police corruption in Qld. Capitalising on the Conservative’s internal dissent, Labour’s Bob Hawke easily won the 1987 Federal election!
The story didn't end for Bjelke-Petersen. In Sep 1991, he was tried for corruption and perjury, but a hung jury set Joh free. [The jury foreman, a member of Bjelke-Petersen's National Party, had assisted in fund-raising for Joh’s legal expenses]. Soon the Qld government amended the Jury Act and set up a permanent criminal justice commission.
He also relied on corrupt police to prop up his government. Dissenters faced police brutality in the streets. Repressive laws that banned protests meant taking to the streets could result in imprisonment for protesters and the media. In 1980, despite criticism by lawyers and civil liberties groups, Joh’s new Police Act further empowered the police.
In 1983 Bjelke-Petersen led his National Party to a victory where he formed a one-party state government, rather than governing in coalition with the Conservative Liberal Party. Owing to Qld’s electoral gerrymander, small populated rural electorates dominated highly populated urban ones i.e the National Party won with 39% of the vote, while Labour lost on 44%. This biased system, a Bjelke-mander, operated in total defiance of the principle of one person one vote.
In 1986 Bjelke-Petersen sensed a loss of direction at the Federal level among the conservatives. He led a campaign, Joh for PM, to have himself elected to Federal Parliament. But Jo’s bid for power split the Federal Coalition.
In May 1987, ABC tv programme Four Corners aired the first public allegations of organised crime and police corruption in Qld. Capitalising on the Conservative’s internal dissent, Labour’s Bob Hawke easily won the 1987 Federal election!
The story didn't end for Bjelke-Petersen. In Sep 1991, he was tried for corruption and perjury, but a hung jury set Joh free. [The jury foreman, a member of Bjelke-Petersen's National Party, had assisted in fund-raising for Joh’s legal expenses]. Soon the Qld government amended the Jury Act and set up a permanent criminal justice commission.
The media announced the resignation of premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen
and police commissioner Terry Lewis.
Courier-Mail, 1987
Bjelke-Petersen’s reign as Queensland’s premier began in 1968 and ended ingloriously in 1987 with the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption. Over 2 years, they uncovered a deep web of corruption implicating many at the highest levels of government and police.
Joh was certainly guided by a shrewd political awareness. He styled himself as a defender of a unique Qld sensibility and scorned the progressive states, using fear and prejudice for electoral gain. Queensland’s longest-serving premier left a difficult, undemocratic legacy.