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Dr John Snow, the brave hero solving cholera epidemics ............. Guest post

In the mid 1800s, Londoners didn’t have deep sewage toilets inside their homes. Citizens in the world’s biggest city used comm­unal wells & pumps to get water needed for drinking, cooking and washing. Septic systems were so pri­m­it­ive that most build­ings dumped un­treat­ed human and animal waste direct­ly into the Thames River, or into open pits.

Cholera was an int­estinal disease that caused death within hours of vom­­iting or diarrh­oea appearing. The first British chol­era cases were re­ported in 1831; from 1831-54, tens of thous­­ands of people died of it.

London children bathed in, and drank from the same filthy streams used as slum sewers. 
History Collection

Dr John Snow (1813–58), born into a working class family, believed that sewage-contaminated water caused ch­olera. Dr Snow published an article in 1849 outlining his theory, but doct­ors and scientists thought he was misguided; they stuck to their view that cholera was caused by stinking miasma. Dr Snow believ­ed sewage dumped into the river or cesspools near town wells contamin­at­ed the water supply, and rapidly spread dis­ease.

In Aug 1854 London’s Soho was hit by a terr­ible cholera out­­break, the third in London after 1832 and 1849. Dr Snow, who lived nearby, set out to prove his contaminated water theory. Where Cambridge St join­ed Broad St, there were 500+ cholera fatalities in 10 days. When he learn­ed of the timing and extent of this outbreak, he zoomed in on the Broad St pump.

Dr Snow tracked the data from hospital and public rec­ords, examining when the outbreak began and whether the victims drank Broad St pump wa­t­­­er. Those who lived or worked near the pump were the most likely to use the pump and thus contract cholera. By using a geog­raphical grid to chart deaths from the outbreak and invest­ig­ating access to the pump wa­ter, Snow was recording proof that the pump was the epidemic source.

Snow also investigat­ed groups of people who did NOT get cholera and ask­ed whether they drank pump water or not. This would help him rule out other possible sources of the epid­emic. A work­house near Soho had 535 inmates but no cases of chol­era, for example. This was because, he discovered, the work­house had its own clean well!

And men who worked in a brewery on Broad St, making malt liquor, drank the liquor they made from the brewery’s own well. Not one of those men contrac­t­ed cholera! Snow had proved that the cholera was not a problem in Soho EXCEPT among people who drank water from the Broad St pump.

In 1854, Dr Snow took his research results to the town officials and con­vin­ced them to remove the pump-handle, making it impossible to draw wat­er. The officials were reluct­ant, but took the handle off as a trial, and found the ch­olera outbreak ended almost immediately. Eventually people who had left their homes and businesses in the Broad St area began to return.    

John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic of 1854
by Charles River

Despite the success of Snow’s theory in curtailing Soho’s cholera epid­em­ic, Board of Health reports downplayed Snow’s evidence as guess­work. Although Snow’s careful mapping became very important in locating chol­era cases, public officials refused to clean up the drains and sewers.

Broad St map, pumps in blue

For months after, Snow continued to track every case of cholera from the 1854 Soho outbreak and traced almost all of them back to the pump. But what he could NOT prove was where the contam­in­ation came from in the first place. Officials argued there was no way sewage from town pipes leaked into the pump and Snow couldn’t say whether it came from open sewers, drains under buildings, public pipes or cesspools.

Even a minister, Rev Henry Whitehead, challenged Dr Snow. Rev Whitehead was very troubled by the outbreak and its aftermath, but argued the out­break was caused not by tainted water, but by God’s divine inter­v­ent­ion. The Rev felt that many of the news reports were exaggerated and noted that even though the population of the area was decimated, there was no panic. Within a few weeks of the epidemic, Reverend Whitehead wrote his own account, entitled The Cholera in Berwick Street (1854). Not surpr­is­ingly, public officials took many more years before making improvements.

Dr Snow was not the last research-focused doctor who couldn’t convince the med­ical authorities of his discoveries. In the 1860s, Edinburgh surgeon Jos­eph Lister read a Louis Pasteur paper proving that ferment­at­ion was due to micro­organ­isms. Lister was con­­vinced that the same process ac­c­ounted for wound sepsis, but surgeons wouldn’t use Lister’s antiseptic methods.
There is a memorial at the spot in Broadwick St Soho where Snow proved cholera was spread through infected drinking water in 1854. The water pump, handle removed, stands opposite a pub named in his honour. (Broadwick St had been called Broad St)

In 1865 when cholera returned to London, Rev Whitehead focused back on cholera. Dr Snow had already died, leaving Whitehead as the main authority on the earlier Broad St outbreak. Because of rising public alarm, Rev Whitehead re-published his work, acknowledging that cholera was a water-borne disease. In 1866, cholera broke out in the East London slums and spread by contaminated water to thousands.

Thankfully German physician Dr Robert Koch pursued the cause of cholera fur­­ther in 1883 when he isolated bacterium vibrio cholerae. Dr Koch de­t­ermined that chol­era was not contagious from person to pers­on, but was spread ONLY through unsanitary water, a late victory for Snow’s theory. Note that the C19th cholera epidemics in Europe and U.S ended after cit­ies finally improved water supply sanitation.

The World Health Organisation suggests 78% of Third World countries’ cit­izens are still without clean water supplies, making some chol­era out­breaks an ongoing concern. Now scient­ists call Dr Snow the pioneer of epidemiology/public health re­search. Much modern re­search still uses th­eo­ries like his to track the sources and causes of many diseases. And now that bombed-out Mariupol faces a chol­era epidemic, we understand that outbreaks are definitely an ongoing concern.

Dr J Snow's cemetery stone
Brompton Cemetery

Photo credits: Royal Parks
Guest blogger: Dr Joe

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