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Pierre Laval, proud French prime minister AND close ally of Nazi Germany.

The miltary and ideological issues raised in this post will remind us of Charles Bedaux and Philippe Petain. But Pierre Laval was his own man. Born in Auvergnac France, Laval (1883-1945) graduated in Law and Science, then went into business. He was elected to the French Parliam­ent as a Socialist in 1903. Although originally a pacifist Senator, La­v­al did join the French Army when WW1 broke out.  He was a totally honourable Frenchman.

Marshal Petain and Pierre Laval,
Sevigne Pavillion Park, Vichy c1942

The war greatly chang­ed Laval's pol­it­ical beliefs; after the war he was re-elected to the French Cham­b­er of Deputies but now as a rigid conserv­ative. Over the years, he was app­ointed French For­eign Minist­er, and was Prime Minister twice, from 1931-2 and 1935-6. In off­ice he worked clos­e­ly with Aristide Briand (French Prime Minister till 1929) to est­ablish good relations with Germany and the Soviet Union. Yet he delayed the 1935 Soviet-Franco Pact, in order to align France with Fascist Italy!

In Oct 1935 Prime Minister Laval and Bri­tish Foreign Secretary Samuel Hoare negotiated a pact to end the Italian Invas­ion of Ethiop­ia Crisis. The secret Hoare-Laval Pact proposed that Italy would receive two-thirds of the territory it conquered, plus per­mission to en­large existing East African colonies. In re­turn Ethiopia would receive a nar­row strip of territory and access to the sea. The Hoare-Laval Pact was leaked to the press in Dec 1935, and was widely denounced as appease­ment of Italian agg­res­s­ion. Laval and Hoare were both forced to resign by the public out­rage!

Laval left government service and amassed a fortune as a media mogul, controlling newspapers, magazines, publishing companies and rad­ios.

When the German army attacked France in May 1940, Laval used the influence of his media empire to support the senile-ish, 84 year old hero Philippe Pétain (1856–1951) as head of the French collab­or­at­ion­ist Gov­ernment. It was bas­ed in Vichy, tasked by Germany with ruling that part of France not occupied by the Ger­man army, although under Ger­­man super­vision. Hostile to the original decl­aration of war against Germ­any, Laval naturally en­couraged the anti-war fact­ion in the French govern­ment. Laval also used his money in the National Assembly to give dictatorial powers to Petain. In July 1940, Laval was named as Prime Minister and Pet­ain's legal successor.

France divided into the German Occupied Zone (north)
and the Free Zone aka Vichy State (south) 
until Nov 1942

When Pétain took over the new Vichy state, Laval used his political influence to propose an armistice with Germany. Laval developed a close relationship with Otto Abetz, the German ambas­s­ador in France, and in Oct 1940, he met Adolf Hitler and proposed that the 2 countries should work closely tog­ether. At a meeting with Nazi Air Force command­er Her­m­ann Goering later that month, Laval proposed a specific military all­iance with Nazi Germ­any. French Parliamentarians worried about these devel­op­ments and event­ually Laval's actions became too much for even Vichy collabor­at­ionists.

In Dec 1940 Pétain was persuaded to have Laval fired and arrested. Abetz sent in troops to release him and he was taken to Paris, to live under the prot­ec­tion of the German Army. But in Aug 1941, a French student fired off shots into Laval while seeing off French vol­un­teer troops taking part in Op­eration Barbarossa. Al­th­ough gravely wounded, he did re­cov­er and under heavy pressure from the Germans, Pet­ain re-installed Laval as head of France's Vichy government.

Back in power and firmly under German occupational protection, Laval began a project to cleanse France of Jews. He ordered French pol­ice to round up all foreign Jews they could find and hand them over to the German authorities. He also created a hated French programme in 1942 that sent skilled French labourers to Ger­many in ex­change for Ger­man repatriation of French POWs captured in the 1940 invasion.

In Jan 1943 Laval creat­ed the horrendous Milice, a polit­ic­al police agency led by French WW1 hero, Joseph Darnard. It hunted and capt­ured left­ist act­iv­ists, and Jews with­out French citizenship, deport­ing them to Nazi Germ­any. Milice grew to 35,000 men and was so brutal that it alienated even many Vichy fans. He granted the secret Nazi Gestapo the auth­or­ity to hunt down French resistance fight­ers in occup­ied France AND ord­ered his own Vichy police to help them. By then Laval had won Hitler’s trust, and the elderly Pétain became merely a figurehead in the Vichy regime. As leader of Vichy France, Laval collaborated with Nazi oppress­ion and genocide, and became a puppet of Hitler.

Pierre Laval and Carl Oberg, head of German police in France
May 1943 in Paris.

The Vichy government's fortunes greatly changed with the invasion by Allied armies. After the D-Day Landings in June 1944, Paris was liberated; Petain and his Ministers fled to Southern Germany and served as an exiled government at Sigmaringen. Joseph Darnand, who went with Petain, was eventually captured by the Allies. Laval moved to N.E France but with the Allies prog­ressing, Laval retreated and in May 1945 fled to Barcelona. Spain’s General Franco said Laval had an option to sail by ship to South Amer­ica, but he decided against it, freely ret­urn­ing to France in July 1945. 

With Germany’s defeat in May 1945, Laval was handed to the new French gov­ern­ment led by Gen Charles De Gaulle. Laval was charged with tr­ea­son, found guilty by the High Court of Justice and shot by firing squad at Fresnes Prison Paris in Oct 1945. As was Joseph Darnand.

Laval defended his French patriotism at his own trial, 
Paris late 1945

Pétain was tried in Aug 1945, convicted for trea­son and also sent­enced to dea­th, but it was commuted to life in prison. Read Trial of Pierre Laval: Defining Treason, Collaboration and Patriotism in WW2 France, by J.K Brody, 2017.

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