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Dr Marie Stopes: UK scientist who saved women from unwanted pregnancies.

Dr Marie Stopes, 1914

Marie Stopes (1880-1958) was born in Scotland, daughter of a leading archaeologist and a literature scholar. In 1902, she graduated with a BSc at the Uni College London in only 2 years, winning the Gold Medal for biology. In her mid-20s, she crawled into haz­ardous coal mines in Lancashire, collect­ing spectacular ancient plant fossils. Her labour illum­inated the origin of coal, the British Empire fuel!

Her Prof Francis Oliver was progressing in plant ev­ol­ution. Also pas­sionate for scien­t­ific research, Stopes went to the Uni of Munich to study the sex­ual habits of prim­itive plants, learn­ed German and earned her PhD in paleo-botany in 1904. And an­oth­er PhD from Uni Col­l­ege Lon­don! Then Stopes became the first fem­ale lecturer at the Uni of Man­chester.

In 1907 Britain's respected scientific institution, The Royal Soc­iety of London, sent Stopes on an 18-month expedition to Japan. She was to solve a problem that had earlier mys­t­ified Ch­ar­les Dar­win: the evolutionary origin of flowers. Stopes left for nor­thern Hokk­aido Island where she dug up fossils that perfectly addressed Darwin's dilemma.

Stopes was British science’s rising star. In 1910 the Can­adian Government invited her to resol­ve a dis­pute about the age of New Brunswick rocks. Analysing the Canadian fossils back at the British Museum London, she cut th­r­ough years of confusion and resolved the dispute! Men were astounded.

In 1911 Stop­es married a fellow scientist, Reginald Gates but their dis­as­t­rous marriage collaps­ed in a year and was annulled. Also in 1911 she found many books about human sex­uality lock­ed in a cup­board at the British Mus­eum. Rifling through, she finally understood Gates’ im­potence. She had been an educated scientist who was naïve about her own sex life!!

How did this young palaeont­ol­ogist change Western society? Stopes became committed to increasing her kn­ow­ledge of sexual ethics and reproductive physiology. A seminal in­fl­uence was Havelock Ellis (1859–1939).

She met American pioneer Margaret Sanger in London’s Fabian Hall in July 1915, as later dis­c­us­sed in Sanger’s book My Fight for Birth Control. The rivalry between Stopes and Sanger began when Sanger wanted to open a contraceptive clinic in London, after her newly opened clinic in the US was raided by police.

Stopes’ sad marriage justified her campaign for sexual reform and led to the first sex man­ual written in the UK, Married Love (1918). But it took another two years before she could find a printer. On the book’s release, Stopes’ fame boomed. Many letters, writ­ten by women thank­ing Stopes for her work, have since been arch­ived.

In 1918, Stopes married Humphrey Roe and happily had a son, Harry Stopes-Roe. Humphrey shared her interest in contraception; as a manufact­uring magnate, he had seen the effects unplanned child­­bearing had on his female workforce.

The success of Married Love was quickly followed by Wise Pa­r­enthood, a guide to contraception. Then Radiant Mot­h­er­hood (1920) and later End­uring Pass­ion. She used physiolog­ical terms for the first time in popul­ar works, to give the books gravitas.

Stopes opened the first UK family planning clinic on Mar 1921 in Mar­­l­borough Rd North London. The Mothers’ Clinic for Constructive Birth Control was financed by the couple, hiring only female doctors and nurses to make patients more comfortable. The clin­ic off­er­ed a free service to married women, dis­pensed rubber cerv­ic­al caps and dis­t­rib­uted contraceptives by mail order.

The first London family planning clinic opened in 1921  

Marie Stopes with nurses, Mothers' Clinic in Hollo­way
Photo credit: Marie Stopes: a biography
A mobile contraceptive clinic

Naturally Stopes faced opposition from the Anglican and Cath­olic Churches and medical community. She responded by dist­rib­­uting pamph­l­ets and making public speeches. In 1923, Catholic Dr Halliday Suth­erland lib­elled Stopes in his book Birth Control. He argued that birth controllers were using the poor for scientific ex­perimentat­ion. Stopes sued Halliday but lost the case amongst bitt­erly divis­ive publicity.

In the 1920s Stopes opened other clinics, including in a fully equipped caravan. In 1930 she formed the National Birth Control Council/later Family Planning Association.

University College London Bloomsbury was where the cont­ributions Fran­cis Galton etc made to biometrics, genetics and archaeol­ogy were famous. Less well known was their cont­ribution to estab­lish­ing and legitimising eugenics i.e the science of improving human populat­ions via select­ive breeding. In fact Gal­t­on coined the term eugenics in 1883, the roots of the movement being at UCL, not Nazi Germany.

Stopes was a product of her age, when intel­l­ect­ual life in Britain was already col­oured by eugenics. Stopes had been friend­ly with Fr­ancis Galton since childhood, so she joined the Eug­en­ics Education Society early and became a life fellow in 1921.

Poster advertising a public lecture by Stopes, 1927
Stopes adv­oc­ated for the sterilisation of people seen as unfit for parenthood. Her views were being promoted by the Nazis, so in 1935 she attended a Nazi Congress for Population Science in Berlin. And in 1939 she wrote a gushy personal letter to Adolf Hitler, enclos­ing her love poetry.

She wanted to improve the quality of Britain’s genetics so she called for new laws that allowed the “hopelessly rotten and racially diseased” to be sterilised and wrote strongly against interracial marriage.

Dr Marie Stopes died from breast cancer in 1958. That year Anglican Bishops at the Lambeth Conference accepted that procreation was not the sole purpose of Ch­ris­tian marriage. Her legacy was represented through the organis­at­ion Marie Stopes International which provided reprod­uctive health services to millions of people in 35+ countries.

Thankfully her works on repr­od­uctive rights and femin­ism were heroic.  She had defied the churches and the male-dominated medical estab­lish­ment!!

Her leg­acy is marked by an English Heritage blue plaque 
on her Upper Nor­wood London home.






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