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Barnett Freedman: best "Designs for Modern Britain"


Pallant Gallery Chichester has provided the following information: Barnett Freedman (1901–1958) was born in East London to impoverished Jewish Rus­sian immig­rants, and showed an early talent for drawing. He studied at the Royal College of Art (1922-5 under his tutor Paul Nash, with talented fellow pupils Eric Ravilious, Edward Bawden, Edward Burra and Enid Marx.

Freedman’s cover on Siegfried Sassoon's book (top image)
Memoirs of an Infantry Officer, 1931 
Design Week

People were at the heart of Freedman’s work. Freedman’s first major commission was to design and illustrate Sieg­fried Sassoon’s book Mem­­oirs of an Infantry Officer (1931) for pub­l­ish­ers Faber & Faber. He went on to illustrate dozens of book cov­ers for classic novels by Char­l­es Dickens, Charlotte Bronte and Leo Tolstoy, plus War and Peace (1938) and Anna Karenina (1951).

When WW2 started, Freedman was appointed Official War Artist. He tr­avel­led with the British Expeditionary Force in France with art­ists Ed­ward Ardizzone and Edward Bawden. In 1941 he worked on-board HMS Repulse, producing a popular print for the National Gall­ery. In Jun 1944 he went to France to record the results of the D-Day Landings.

Freedman was awarded a CBE in 1947 and made Royal Designer for In­dustry in 1949: book illust­rat­ion, printmaking and graphic design.

Barnett Freedman was one of Britain’s most sought-after commercial de­sig­ners in the mid-C20th. So here are five reasons to learn more about Barnett Freedman in 2020.

1. It took Barnett Freedman three attempts to win a scholarship to the Royal College of Art, eventually getting one when Princ­ipal William Rothenstein intervened on his behalf. Rothenstein painted a portrait of Freedman in 1925, Freedman’s final year at the college.

2. Freedman was a respected, pioneering printmaker and a mas­ter of litho­graphy i.e printing where the image is drawn on a flat stone in a greasy substance eg wax crayon which repelled ink, all­owing it to then be absorbed into the untreated surface. Alth­ough a complex pro­cess, lithography allowed art­ists direct control over the marking process, making it an attractive & challenging medium to develop his draughting skill and his expressive use of colour.

3. In 1935 Freedman was commissioned to design postage stamps to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of George V, one of the most used ev­eryday designs in the country. He produced the final artwork on stone, even though he knew that the end product was to be print­ed by photogravure (i.e an image produced from a photographic negative transferred to a metal plate then etched). During its run, a million King’s Stamps were sold ac­ross the world.

Freedman's advertisement, 
Collection London Transport Museum 

4. Barnett Freedman was an official war artist, alongside Henry Moore, Graham Sutherland, Eric Ravilious and Evelyn Dunbar. The 15-Inch Gun Turret, HMS Repulse, Aug 1941, was painted after the art­ist’s time aboard the cruiser HMS Repulse. It showed the claustro­phobic environment and the intricate relation­ship between the off­icers, crew and guns. Freedman made it into a lithograph for the Ministry of Information, displayed in service and factory canteens.

Freedman was shocked by the ship’s destruction in Dec 1941, soon af­ter Pearl Harbour was attacked. The portraits he paint­ed of the crew were warm and in­timate, showing the individuality of each man. They formed a moving tribute to the men who served, and died in WW2.

Freedman, Street Scene, 1947 
Colour lithograph on paper
V & A

5. In post-war Britain, art became a way of reflecting the new op­tim­ism. Print-making, especially Freedman’s pre­ferred medium of lithography, became an important tool in bring­ing art to the peop­le. Prints could be made more affordable and avail­able, so he was bringing art out of galleries and into everyday life.

The Lyons Lithographs was designed to brighten the tired interiors of the popular Lyons tea rooms. Freedman became the project’s tech­nical director, drawing up a list of ar­tists that inc­luded several of his fellow war artists. Freed­man himself cont­rib­uted 3 lithog­r­aphs, includ­ing People. The prints celebrated the best of Britain, tapping into the pub­lic’s interest in scenes of everyday life.

The managing director of Guinness in the early 1950s was Sir Hugh Beaver. Beaver realised that in pubs across the country, people were deb­at­ing facts that could not be settled by stan­dard ref­erence books. So The Guinness Book of Records was born. To promote it, Guin­ness decided to publicise it with orig­in­al prints to be dis­pl­ayed and sold in the pubs. Freedman oversaw the camp­aign, and created a lithograph for the project himself (1955).

Freedman died in his studio of a heart attack in 1958 at 56. His work had reflected the optimism of mid-century Britain and blurred the line between art and design. He was part of a generation of artists who forever altered the face of design in modern Britain. His art could be seen by anyone in their everyday life: from book jackets to posters on the London Underground, and beer advert­ise­ments in pubs. And he worked with famous clients like Ealing Stud­ios, London Trans­port, Lyons’ Tea Houses and more.

Freedman, Shell poster, 1952
Manchester Metropolitan University Special Collections

Discover more of his work in the current Pallant House Gallery ex­hibition: Barnett Freedman: Designs for Modern Britain until 1st Nov 2020. Or order the exhibition catalogue at Pallant Bookshop

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