Kerensky made regular visits to the WW1 Front, to encourage Russian troops.
In light of the polarisation of many nations’ politics since the 1990s, we all expect left wing and right wing extremists to attack each other. But why can't we expect Socialist Intellectuals (moderately leftist) and Progressive Conservatives (moderately rightist) to cooperate to form solid governments around the Centre? Can we find a centralist leader who tried to protect his Parliamentary democracy from the extreme right and left?
Alexander Kerensky (1881-1970) was born in Simbirsk, son of teacher Fyodor Kerensky who later became Inspector of Public Schools. Alexander moved to Tashkent with his family as a schoolboy. Then he went on to St Petersburg Uni to do history and later law, graduating in 1904. Kerensky soon married Olga Lvovna Baranovskaya, a Russian General’s daughter, and had two sons.
How was Kerensky politicised? Bloody Sunday in 1905 was a protest march in St Petersburg led by a workers’ organisation, the Assembly of Russian Factory and Plant Workers. c200,000 marchers went to the Winter Palace to present petitions to Tsar Nicholas II, but soon 1,000 protestors were shot. Anger spread throughout Russia with more strikes and marches, and in march the universities were shut down by radicals. In July, sailors on the battleship Potemkin mutinied in Odessa. Odessa’s citizens turned out to support the sailors and many were massacred en route to the wharf.
In St Petersburg Leon Trotsky set up a Soviet Workers’ Council to organise opposition to the Tsar, but Trotsky and his supporters were soon imprisoned. A revolutionary spirit arose, but it lacked the necessary central organisation to overthrow the government. After the limited reforms of 1905 when a political amnesty was granted, Vladimir Lenin briefly returned to Russia from Geneva. Then he left again when the Tsarists cracked down on dissidents.
Any protest was met with a brutal response and anti-Semitic pogroms increased. In Odessa in 1905 c2,500 Jews were killed in a single day; Kishinev had two pogroms; in Mariupol had one shocking pogrom.
Tsar Nicholas II, Lenin, Trotsky, Kerensky
Tsar Nicholas II had to deter a revolution. He promised to allow the creation of a State Duma, but the proposed Duma limitations led to further protests. In Oct 1905 a general strike was called. Reluctantly Tsar Nicholas drafted the October Manifesto, reform measures that would grant civil rights, free political parties, universal suffrage and the establishment of the Duma as the national assembly.
Kerensky was clearly politicised by the appalling events of 1905 and, as a young lawyer, keenly defended revolutionaries accused of political offences.
The next big step occurred at the Lena River Goldfields in 1912. Kerensky was asked to report on the Imperial Russian Army’s massacre of hundreds of striking goldfield workers. He took part in heroic organisations eg Aid Committee for the Victims of Bloody Sunday and contributed to the revolutionary socialist press. Across Russia he defended poor and oppressed peasants from Romanov injustices.
In 1912 Kerensky was elected to the Fourth Duma, for the democratic socialist Labour Party. He united the anti-monarchy forces, intending to form a newly democratic Russia. In May 1914, Kerensky asked Tsar Nicholas II to make these vital changes in the domestic policy:
restoring Finland’s Constitution,
declaring an amnesty for political prisoners,
announcing Polish autonomy,
banning restrictions against ethnic minorities,
ensuring religious tolerance and
ending harassment of legal trade union bodies.
Kerensky was a part of the Socialist Revolutionaries, the Petrograd/St Petersburg Soviet, seen as a strong symbol of workers and of soldiers. In the new Duma in Nov 1916, he publicly criticised the Imperial ministers. When the Feb Revolution of 1917 broke out, he publicly advocated the dissolution of the monarchy. He was renowned for his personality, stirring speeches, commitment to coalition government and to Russia’s continued WW1 involvement.
In March 1917, when the tsar's government collapsed, Duma members set up the Provisional Government. Kerensky took up one of the most important positions, as Minister of Justice. He successfully abolished capital punishment, removed ethnic and religious discriminations, and made reforms in the Tsarist legal code. My family were all delighted!
In May, Kerensky faced severe problems as the war policy created many divisions among the ministers and eventually some made an exit from the Provisional Government. He was then made the Minister of War and was joined by six other socialists for the cause. He openly supported Russia’s continued involvement in WWl.
After the Provisional Government collapsed in July 1917, Kerensky’s oratory skills and popularity became influential, allowing him to replace Georgy Lvov as prime minister.
Prime Minister Kerensky dismissed the Commander in Chief, Gen Kornilov, in Sept 1917 and had him replaced. This created major rifts within the right wing of the government. Then Kerensky refused to implement radical changes in social and economic programmes as demanded by the left wing, thus annoying them as well. As a result, when the Bolsheviks threw him out and seized power in late 1917, he failed to gather any forces to defend his government. The Communist Left and the White Fascist Right were equally anti-democratic.
How much dislike of the Provisional Government in Russia was there then? Apart from the rich and a few senior officers, there was precious little. But the political environment in Russia remained tense and the newly formed government was overthrown by the Lenin-led Bolsheviks in Nov the same year, after the October Revolution.
Prime Minister Kerensky (second from right) and his ministers, 1917
After the Bolsheviks seized government, Kerensky gathered some loyal troops and tried to regain his lost government. When this failed, the ex-prime minister had to stay hidden, until he could flee the country.
How did such an educated, literate and compassionate man last such a short time as a Provisional Government minister? Kerensky promoted legislation that any intelligent centralist would have admired. He owed his position to his embrace of the February Revolution, but for the right, the revolution was too radical; for the left, too bourgeois. He’d wanted to harmonise the interests of landowners and peasants, workers and bosses. Apparently an impossible task.
Kerensky divorced and later re-married an Australian, Lydia Nell Tritton. They lived in Paris until the Nazis occupied the city in 1940, then fled to the USA and Australia. He was buried in London in 1970.
Take note, countries that have right wing leaders (eg Brasil, USA, Hungary etc) or left wing leaders (Belarus, North Korea etc). Only in the centre can a Parliament represent all the population.