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Melbourne Olympics 1956 - Russian-Hungarian blood in the waterpolo

In Dec 1956 Hungary & Soviet Union opposed each other in a water polo semi-final that has earned a place in infamy; it was an occas­ion that seethed with violence from the start and ended in chaos after polo players was dragged out of the pool, bleeding. According to the newspapers, it was one of the most highly charged battles in Olympic history.

A sporting event used to allow sports people to prove their skills above others. So people wanted to know which countries had the best athletes. Although I was fully aware of the 1936 Games in Berlin, rarely had a sporting event been so loaded with subtext as this 1956 waterpolo was.

Seven years after Hungary was formally under Soviet control, any meeting between representatives of the two nations would naturally be political. Probably more in water polo than any other sport since Hungary was waterpolo’s super power. Remember that at the 1952 Games, Hungary had already defeated Russia. And so, as they worked on imp­rov­ing their chances for 1956, the Soviets learned from Hungary’s uniquely successful training regime.

The Melbourne crowds could not see what was happening under water
Olympic Pool, 1956

Months before the Games, the teams met again in a practice tournament in Moscow. Russia won and after the match the two sides suffered a dressing-room punch-up. At another match in Hungary, fans turned their backs as the Russians were introduced, and drowned out their national anthem.

In 1955, Hungary’s populist prime minister Imre Nagy urged his country to dream of a bright, post-Communist future following the despot Stalin’s death two years earlier. And in late Oct 1956, just a month before the opening ceremony in Melbourne, students in Buda­pest organised a protest in the streets - c200,000 peop­le were involved, violence broke out and police opened fire in an attempt to disperse the crowd; hundreds were killed and thous­ands more arrested. Although Imre Nagy returned as prime minist­er the following day, Budapest’s protests continued.

Hungarian Olympians, meanwhile, were isolated in a large house near Budapest, close enough to hear the gunfire. Nagy declared that the Hungarian team would indeed travel to Australia, but the country was relying on international support to stop the Soviets. What poor timing ☹ In late Oct 1956 the Suez Crisis escalated, with Britain, France and Israel against Egypt. Nonetheless Nagy pushed on, with­drew Hungary from the Warsaw Pact and declared the country’s plan to seek indep­endence. The athletes left with the revolution still going.

The athletes heard no more news until arriving in Melbourne in late Nov. The one English-speaker member of the team translated the lat­est news from a newspaper: the Soviet Union had invaded and the resistance had been crushed. Nagy was arrest­ed by Soviet forces and would be tried.

Spain, Switzerland and Holland boycotted the Olympics in protest at the Soviet invasion; Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq boycotted it because of Suez. Israel sent a tiny team, just to ensure their national flag would be carried proudly at the Opening Ceremony.

Melbourne's Olympics, first EVER south of the equator, were held in Nov and Dec, as the Australian summer started. No beaches for the Hungarians however.. they were training.

Hungarian waterpolo player Ervin Zador inspected by the team doctor
The Sun newspaper, 1956

As I have noted before, the engineer responsible for all filtration systems at the 1956 Olympic Games was my father. The daily newspapers were filled with articles about whether the swimming, diving and water­polo pools would be ready, and in grateful thanks, my late father rec­eiv­ed tickets for the four of us for each of his three water sports’ events. (My youngest brother was born a fortnight later!)

In Melbourne, the Hungarians crushed the USA in their first game, then easily defeated Germany and Italy. This brought them a semi-final against the Soviet Union, with their team hell bent on violent revenge for the Budapest crisis. The occasion drew a capacity crowd, swelled with members of Melbourne’s large East European communities. The atmosphere was fraught from the start.

The newspapers said that in the match, there was kicking and punch­ing from both sides. My late father said that as we could see the slice-wounds from below water level, they had been caused by knives attached to some of the players’ ankles. At least 5 players were ordered out of the pool by the referee. The crowd went wild. Spect­ators and officials jumped the barrier and rushed towards the opp­os­ition teams. Police, primed for possible violence, immediately descended in numbers and the Swedish referee blew the final whistle. Journalists and photograph­ers crowded round the injured players. Pictures of the polo players’ injuries were published around the world, which led to the Blood in the Water name.

Spectators and officials jumped the barrier and rushed threateningly towards the Russians
The New Daily

My family had been devastated on behalf of the injured Russian waterpolo players, and not just because mum’s family lived in Russia. But mainly because in 1944 and 1945, 68% of the huge Hungarian Jew­ish population had been exterminated and 1956 had been the first year Holocaust survivors from Hungary started arriv­ing in Australia.

In the end, Hungary beat Yugoslavia 2-1 in the final to win their fourth Olympic gold medal for waterpolo, ending the 1956 medals table in an excellent fourth place.

For a good history of the Melbourne Olympics, read ‘1956: The Year Australia Welcomed the World’ by Nick Richardson. I remember every detail!

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