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Melbourne's amazing Chinatown

The discovery of gold in 1851 attracted Chinese imm­ig­ration to Vic­toria. Ships sailed to Australia from Hong Kong with their cargo of men who had come in search of the new gold fields. From 1853-5, thousands of Chinese disembarked here. Very few Chin­ese women came to Australia during this period so by 1861, 38,000+ Chinese largely men lived in the colonies. Thank you Chinese-Australian Historical Images

Little Bourke St, Melbourne

The burgeoning Chinese community in Little Bourke St pro­vided for all the diggers’ needs; lodging houses en route to the goldfields were quick­ly joined by merchants and provisions sh­ops, food, equipment and medicine. In the 1860s many Chinese dist­r­ict associations began to purchase land in Little Bourke St to build clubrooms which served as Chinese com­munity meeting places. From there business, social and clan networks spread out.

Chinatown experienced a growth stage from the early 1870s. As the diggings emptied, those who didn’t return to China went back to Me­l­­­bourne which pr­ovided their only community. They found work and es­tab­lished businesses to cater for the local Chinese and non Chin­ese markets. The 1880s saw booming industry in Marvellous Melbourne.

The new labour laws combined with the White Austral­ia Policy introduced in 1901 plunged Chinatown into darkness. It was no longer the residential haven for the Chinese, as the popul­at­ion declined along with business. When the government eased immig­ration laws in 1947 Chinatown revived itself again, spreading its population over Melbourne. As a result China­town remains an impor­t­ant social and economic centre for the Chinese Comm­unity and proudly stands as one of the City’s most popular venues.

Chinatown now extends along Little Bourke St between Swanston and Spring Sts. Its cabinet makers and lodging houses are long gone but eateries and top class restaurants now take their place with the streetscape and its low-rise brick buildings, retaining its historic character. Plus each year there are many traditional festivals, making Chinatown a popular city destination for local and inter­nat­ional visitors.

the Chinese arch, Cohen Place
By the 1940s and 1950s the Chinatown area was looking endangered. From the 1950s, some of Melbourne's major depart­ment stores, which fronted Bourke St, expanded by taking up the whole block; many of the smaller buildings on one side of Little Bourke St were demolished. However in the 1960s, in a spirit of nostalgia and inspired by the tourist dollars that were being made in San Francisco's Chinatown, Chinatown entrep­ren­eur-City Councillor David Neng-Hsiang Wang persuaded the Melbourne City Council to embark on a radical redevelopment of the area, start­ing with archways constructed at the ends of Little Bourke Street. Emotional support from the Chinese community was mixed.

The refurbishment of the 5 key arches was an important statement of the City’s commitment to Chinatown. The arches have been restored to their former glory with added modern touches including red neon lighting on the columns. The arches clearly announce the entrance to Chinatown.

Melbourne’s Chinatown says it is the longest continuous Chinese settle­ment outside of Asia. Its essential character and main focus is along Little Bourke St, including the laneways and alleys which link the area to Bourke St and Lonsdale St. The heritage streetscape has been well preserv­ed, with few buildings reaching over three storeys in height. The area is dominated by restaurants from fine dining to laneway and arcade noodle houses, and is home to a number of Asian grocery stores, Ch­inese medicine and herbalist centres, bookst­ores, fashion shops and other retail outlets in arcades like Param­ount Plaza. This Ch­ina­town is truly cosmopolitan with cuis­ines including Thai, Jap­an­ese, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Contemporary Euro­pean.

Improving the streetscapes and atmosphere in Chinatown has been a prior­ity, including kerb widening, blue­stone paving, bright street lighting combined with neon signage, creating a distinctive night-time atmosphere. The refurbishment of Chinatown’s five key arches is an important state­ment of the City’s commitment to Chinatown. The tall, strik­ing and neon lit arches clearly welcome arrivals.

front of Chinese Museum of Australian History

Chinese Museum's collections

A magnificent archway was handmade in China according to trad­it­ional techniques and materials. It was shipped to Melbourne in pieces and assembled in Cohen Place under the supervision of highly skilled Chinese craftworkers. It’s the perfect backdrop for photo­graphs and the main entrance to Cohen Place, Chinatown Square and the Chinese Museum of Australian History in Cohen Place establish­ed. These redevelopments incor­po­r­ate greening, lan­tern lighting, rock sculptures and seats. The beautiful refurbish­ment of the Fac­ing Heaven archway is the great backdrop for photos.

Chinese Dragon Puppet Workshop

Tianjin Garden marks the eastern Spring St entrance of China-town. This is an important icon that was created by Tianjin & Melbourne designers, offering an area with water feat­ures, pavilion and seating space for office workers and visitors.

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