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Police and protective services AFTER Jimmy Savile died.

The 7th child in a struggling Leeds family, teenage Jimmy Savile (1926-2011) worked in coalmines in WW2 when he suffered serious injuries in an explosion. So he moved instead to work as a dance hall man­ager and disc jockey. Later he became a DJ at Radio Luxembourg and then at BBC Ra­dio 1. His work inc­l­uded regular tv appearances in Top of the Pops (1964->) and the children’s show Jim’ll Fix It (1975–>). It was on Top of the Pops that Savile displayed his  eccentric peroxided hair, ugly tracksuits, bling jewellery, cigars, cartoonish mannerisms, unintelligible yodelling, Yorksh­ire accent and huge cig­ars, as I blogged earlier

As one of BBC’s biggest star, Savile was the core to the BBC’s success eg a Sat evening TV fixture in mill­ions of UK hom­es. As his TV presence grew, his cel­eb­rity promoted his philanth­ropy which in turn boosted his nat­ional fame. Over 30 years, he raised £40+ million for the NHS. Powerful instit­ut­ions re­w­arded him with membership on their boards.

Top of the Pops, presented by Jimmy Savile,
New Year's Day 1964
The Independent

Jimmy Savile taking underprivileged children
on a day out to Southend, London. 1973.
I worked in Protective Services Victoria in the 1970s-80s, and I know we made some serious mistakes here! But we read noth­ing of Savile’s nasty beh­av­iour back then. Now we know that the earliest inc­id­ent of abuse FOR­MALLY recorded by the Manchester police was in 1955, where he was man­aging a dancehall. In 1960 the pol­ice re­corded a 10-year-old boy who Savile took and sexually assault­ed. In 1965 police records showed abuse at the BBC, at Leeds general infirm­ary where Savile was a volunteer porter, and Stoke Mand­e­ville hos­pital. In fact this was the start of what police identif­ied as Sav­ile's peak abuse period. Pol­ice records from 1970 show Savile started to abuse girls at Duncroft Girls' School Surrey, where he visited often. And in 1972 pol­ice wrote he groped teenagers at Top of the Pops.

The star died of pneum­­onia in Oct 2011, and a warm tribute progr­amme to honour him was quickly broadcast on BBC1: Jimmy Savile: As It Happ­ened.

Only then were many offic­ial inquiries launched into Savile’s abuse at hos­p­itals, schools and the BBC. BBC Director General George Ent­wistle asked the BBC Scotland Director to investigate the circumstances in which the Newsnight investigation was dropped. Ent­wistle gave evidence to the appropriate Commons Select Comm­ittee, then quickly re­s­­igned as BBC D-G in Nov 2012. Panorama ran a programme called Jimmy Savile: What the BBC Knew, on the scandal and the original scrapping of the Newsnight investigation.

As hundreds of past victims came forw­ard, the Crown Prosecut­ion Service and Metropolit­an Police Service rel­eas­ed a joint report in 2013 on Sav­ile’s crimes, prim­arily committed at the height of his fame!

In Jan 2013 Scotland Yard’s report, Giving Victims a Voice Report, found that 73% of his vict­ims were children in 14 medical fac­ilities. 450 peo­p­le DID complain ag­ainst Savile, with the worst period in the 1955-2009 era with many rapes formally reported to 28 police forces. I real­ise that some of the children’s complaints might have been fake, but SAVILE WAS NEVER CHAR­GED DURING HIS LIFETIME! NOT ONCE!

Only in 2014 did the Dept of Health publish the results of these invest­igat­ions. In Leeds General infirmary, Savile abused 60 patients aged 5-75. At high-secur­ity Broadmoor Hospital, he abused patients. Clearly a school, hospital or me­d­­ia empire would have been reluctant to damage its own rep­utation by call­ing Police to save children. Or even adults. And this doesn’t excuse the po­lice, but the BBC DID have inform­ation the police did not. However in the end it was the police who were legally bound to protect people from sexual abuse.

PM Margaret Thatcher and Jimmy Saville at #10, 1988.
She tried 5 times to get him knighted, succeeding in 1990
Daily Mail

Sir Jimmy Saville with revellers
Radio One Love Parade, Leeds, 2009
Daily Mail

Ironically Savile was the re­cipient of many honours: BBC, NHS, Educ­at­ion Dept, chur­ch, monarchy and military were all invol­ved in his aw­ards. He won an OBE (1971) and was knighted (1990) by the Queen for his voluntary charity work at med­ical sites. In Nov 2009 he received an hon­orary arts degree from Bedfordshire Uni for his lifelong sup­port of the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital Ayl­esbury - because he had a spinal injury while he was working as a child coal miner. Were the honours withdrawn after all the reports were published?

See a new Netflix documentary series by Rowan Deac­on called Jimmy Sav­ile: A Brit­ish Horror Story, 2022. Dea­con used ar­ch­ive footage and int­erv­iews with surv­iv­ors and staff who’d wor­ked cl­ose­ly with Savile. But note that by marg­in­al­ising the empow­er­ing role of instit­utions in Sav­ile’s crimes, both the Netflix do­cument­ary and the Inquiries ultimately protected the rep­ut­ations of th­ose institutions, and freed them of res­pons­ibility. 

So who WAS guilty for enabling, cov­ering up or failing to investigate the crimes? Noone?

My own Protective Services Victoria experience made it clear that major celebrities have long relied on institutional pro­tection, legal strat­eg­ies, manip­ul­ation of the media to neut­r­alise allegat­ions and to silence victims. Thank you to Multi-Institutional Masking of Sir Jimmy Savile for making the concept of Untouchable Celebrity Status crystal clear.

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