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Earlier questions from a fellow blogger - now rethought in 2023

In 2009 Willow from Willow Manor first asked the questions. 

1. Are you a native Australian? How many generations of your family were born there? I was born and raised here - primary school, high school and univ­ersity. Then I lived for six years overseas, one year by myself and later five years with my brand new husband, largely in Israel and the UK. We travelled all across the Cont­inent, but as poor students, we slept in our car boot.

MY family comes from Southern Russia/now Ukraine. Joe was born in Czechoslovakia, emigrating with family to Australia when he was 4. With a tiny pop­ulation, Australia decided after WW2 that it was time to Populate or Perish.

2. If you could have dinner with one historical figure, who would it be and whyEmma Goldman (1869-1940) grew up in Jewish Kovno and St Petersburg where she assoc­iated with radical students. At 20 she imm­igrated to the U.S, settling in Rochester NY. She worked in cl­oth­ing fact­ories, mix­ing with socialist and an­ar­ch­ist co-work­ers.

Emma Goldman: Revolution as a Way of Life,

There was a peaceful ral­ly against a Ch­ic­ago company in May 1886 until the police demand­ed the crowd disp­er­se. When a bomb exploded among the police, the police respond­ed with gunfire; 6 workers were killed and many more injured. The massacre created general hysteria against im­mig­r­ants and labour leaders, leading to 8 anarchist lead­ers being arrested and charged with murder and conspiracy. Most of the Chic­ago Eight mem­b­ers were hanged in Nov 1887.

In 1893 Emma was gaoled in NY for inciting a riot when some unempl­oyed work­ers reacted to her fiery speech. Rel­eased 2 years lat­er, Goldman lectured across Europe and U.S.

In 1906 she founded and edited the per­iodical Mother Earth, until its suppres­sion in WW1. Her cam­p­aigns were often pro-woman eg con­trac­eption. Of course her American natural­is­ation was legally rev­oked in 1908. Nonetheless she pub­l­ish­ed­ Anarchism and Other Essays.

Goldman also lectured on Henrik Ibsen, Aug­ust Strindberg and George Bernard Shaw's dramas, introd­ucing European play­wrights to American aud­iences. Her lectures were pub­lished in 1914 in Social Significance of the Modern Drama.

When WW1 broke out in Europe, she saw it as an imperialist war that was sacrificing workers as can­non-fodder. In July 1917 she was sentenced to 2 years prison for her anti-war act­iv­ities. By her release in Sept 1919, the U.S was hys­t­erical over the rumoured network of communist operativ­es, and her ideas earned Gold­man the enmity of powerful polit­ic­al authorit­ies. Red Emma’s deportation to the Soviet Union seemed like a personal crusade!

In 1920 immigrant Italian unionists, Nicola Sacco and Bart­ol­om­eo Van­zet­ti, were con­vict­ed of killing 2 men in Mass. Despite world­wide prot­ests denying the defend­ants’ guilt, the 2 were executed in 1927. Emma remained active, liv­ing acr­oss Europe, lectur­ing and wri­t­­ing her au­t­obiogr­aphy, Living My Life 1931. In 1940 she work­ed for the anti-Fascists in the Spanish Civil War, then died from a stroke in 1940. What a brave, politically committed and literate woman!

3. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment? I am still married after 52 years, with 2 mature sons and 5 gorgeous grandchildren. That is not just an accomplishment - it is an awesome miracle. Plus the grandchildren understand computers :)

One of my sons and all 5 of the grandchildren

4. Other than your loved ones, what is your most treasured po­s­session? Australian colonial art was very derivative in the C19th, looking like British art with perhaps a kangaroo added in for lo­c­al col­our. As Australia was moving slowly towards Fed­er­ation, it became clear that artists, writ­ers, musicians and architects would need to dev­elop Australian tastes. From 1888 on, the first young artists moved into the bush north of Melb­ourne to paint from life. I have 8 of these beautiful Heidelberg School paintings.

5. Before blogging, what, if any, was your main mode of personal expression? I co-started an IRC channel (#30plus) for mature people in Oct 1993. Sydneysider Daniel Ben-Sefer and I had met in another chann­el (#Israel) earlier that year but we were disappointed with the juvenile, male-focused discussions. So we created a new channel for people 30+ and invited every academic we knew. For the first 15 years of #30plus and channel mailing lists, I was very grateful for the excitement and the intel­l­ect­­ual stim­ul­at­ion. Although the chann­el still funct­ions well, hack­ers, right wingers and anti-Semites changed the at­mos­phere from warm to occasionally dodgy.

Now I’ll post these 5 questions to Joanne's Ramblings, for her to answer and then she will post them on to another blogger. Thanks Joanne.

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