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Bobby Fischer - chess genius or chess psychotic?

Jewish Pole Regina Wender and German biophysicist Hans Fischer married in Moscow in 1933 and had baby Joan in 1937. But the marriage failed and in 1939, Regina and Joan moved to U.S. Hans never migrated

Bobby Fischer (1943-2008) was born in Chicago, his actual father being Jewish Hun­g­arian math­em­atician-mechanical engineer Paul Nemenyi, who emigrated from Hungary in 1939. Regina met this top scien­tist in U.S in 1942.

Bobby Fischer aged 15 vs Tigran Petrosian
Moscow Chess Club, 1958

In 1943 Regina Fischer moved her family from Ch­icago to Wash where Nem­enyi was then living, then to Idaho, Oregon, Los Angeles and into Ariz­ona. Frank Brady's book Fischer: Profile of a Pro­d­igy showed Regina was a reg­istered nurse; in 1949 she got a Master's in nursing educat­ion.

When Bobby was 6, he enjoyed games so his sister bought him a plastic chess-set and learned the game toget­her. Alas Fischer was expel­l­ed from a Manhattan public school, then he left his Brook­lyn High School. He did­n’t receive any counselling nor was he given psycho­tropic medication.

In 1951, Fischer connected with Chess Masters and later, in 1955, 12 year-old Fischer joined the famous Manhattan Chess Club. In 1956 he became the youngest junior champion of U.S.

Chess Grandmaster-psychoanal­yst Dr Reuben Fine noted in his book, Bobby Fischer's Conquest of the World's Chess Champion­sh­ip, that Regina took her son to get care after the Junior Ch­amp­ion­ship. But as soon as sch­ool was mentioned, Bobby screamed, stormed out and contin­ued his paran­oid fury. Regina consult­ed 3 other mental health prof­essionals, men who were also chess masters, about curbing her son's chess obsession. None succeeded.

In 1957, nearly 15, Fischer was the youngest-ever U.S Champion and an international master. In 1958, having wowed mast­ers throughout eastern-central Europe, he wrote his first book Bobby Fischer's Games of Chess, and left school permanently. 

Regina and Bobby Fischer

Regina originally encouraged Bobby to broaden his interests and friend­ships beyond chess. But as Bobby's genius for chess became more appar­ent, Regina did all she could to support his passion. But Bobby clashed with his mother so freq­uent­ly that event­ually they lived separately.

His battle with Boris Spassky began in 1960 and culminated in their 1972 match in Reykjavik: 24 games by the two best players in the world. As the planet watched, Fischer prevailed and as a reward, visited the White House to meet Pres. Richard Nixon.

Why did the FBI investigate Regina’s activities so closely? It was ear­ly in the Cold War; Bobby's mother and presumed fat­h­er Hans Fischer had lived in Russia for years and both had high-level scient­if­ic training. Yet the ever-continuing FBI reports on Regina Fischer and her two husb­ands never revealed any espionage!

Bobby Fischer's mental illness developed thus: Bobby's mother's mental issues and finan­c­ial hardships predisposed him to dis­t­urbance. Bobby didn’t know who his real father was; he was raised by a single mother exper­ien­cing horrid str­ess from FBI surveil­lance. This added to Bobby's own level of ps­y­cho­social stress and vulnerability to psychosis, mag­nified by endless media pressure.

Fischer relentlessly insisted on his special conditions: lighting, seating, silence etc. He complained oppon­ents were trying to poison his food, his ho­tel rooms were bugged, opp­onents were colluding at tourn­aments and pre­arranging draws. He feared sabot­age of his planes. 

Spassky and Fischer
National Theatre Reykjavik, July 1972

In Aug 1972 Fischer played Russian Grand-master Spassky for the world title, becoming the 11th World Chess Champion. Fischer unbelievably ended a 24-year streak of Russ­ian domin­ation. But 3 years later, he refused to defend his crown under rules proposed by the World Chess Federation. His competitive chess career ended.

Why did he represent the U.S, given his own nasty view of American cul­ture? I want to see the U.S wiped out. Death to the U.S. . After the terror attacks of Sept 2001, Fischer loved the Twin Towers news, applauding the act. “The US and Israel have been slaughtering the Pal­estinians, just slaugh­tering them for years. Robbing them and slaught­ering them. Nobody gave a shit. I want to see the US wiped out .

He had 2 Jew­ish parents, yet Fischer’s gross anti-Semitism emerged: the U.S is a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bast­ards. These rants could be heard in broadcasts Bobby made on radio. Russian Grand-master and world chess champ­ion Garry Kas­parov sugg­ested Bobby's anti-Semitism was related to his con­flicts with Jewish-American Grand-master Samuel Reshevsky. App­ar­ently Bobby also dis­liked other Jews involved in, and around the chess community, especially the clever Soviet-Jewish pl­ayers who were all united against him. Because of his fearsome anti-Semitism and his horrid praise for the 2001 attack on the World Trade Centre, Fischer was seen as vicious

Valery Kry­lov, specialist in psycho-physiological rehabilitation of sports­men, worked with world chess champion Anatoly Karpov for dec­ades. Krylov arrived at a schizophrenia diag­nosis for Fischer, after examin­ing his corresp­ond­ence. A more recent diagnosis suggested that Bobby suffered from Asperger's Dis­or­der (and/or paranoid schizophrenia, paranoid personality disorder and delusions). The evidence was strong for par­anoid personality disorder which was ap­p­arent in Bobby’s youth with solitariness, poor peer rel­at­ion­sh­ips, so­cial anxiety, school failure, hypersensit­iv­ity and id­iosyn­cr­atic fant­asies.

As Bobby isolated himself in the 1970s, the psychosocial stressors int­ensified. The State Dept issued an arrest warrant in connection with his Yugoslavia rematch with Spassky in 1992; he suff­er­ed the loss of his mother and sister; he was arrested in Japan in 2004 in connection with the 1992 warrant; and he struggled for years to find a safe haven from U.S arrest. Iceland­ic citizenship arrived in 2005! 

Bobby Fischer's lonely grave, Reykjavik

Regina's death in 1997 and Joan’s death in 1998 were devastating los­s­es, particularly because Bobby couldn’t att­end the two funeral because he’d be arrested on arr­ival in the U.S for violating U.S 1992 sanct­ions. Fischer died at 64 in Jan 2008 of kidney failure, in Reykjavik Ice­land.

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