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Severiano Ballesteros: mega-talented golfer but too wounded.....guest post.

First European to win the Masters in 1980 and 
the youngest player (23) to claim a Green Jacket then

Severiano Ballesteros (1957-2011) was born in the small fisher­man’s vil­l­age in northern Spain, an area with a golfing tradition. One of four brothers who became professional golfers, Seve learn­ed to play golf using a 3 iron from his brother Manuel, and practised locally. He clearly had an impress­ive natural talent and determination.

At 12 Seve played 18 holes and won the event scoring 79. Most of his early golf was play­ed on the beach and when he climbed over the Ped­reña wall to play at night, his pro­gress was rapid. He was a precocious talent, turning pro­fess­ional in Mar 1974 on his 17th birth­day. Clearly he expect­ed to win in 1974, but finished only 20th in his first pro event, the Spanish Professionals Champion­ship.

The 1976 Open Championship he finished second to Johnny Mil­ler and Jack Nicklaus, thus introd­ucing him­self to the rest of the golf wor­ld; he was extremely handsome, and he created clever golf-shots. And he won the Order of Merit in Eur­ope with vict­or­ies at the Dutch Open and Golf Trophy Lancome, catching up with Arn­old Palmer. He also won the World Cup of Golf team event with Manuel Piñero for Spain. In 1977 he again won the European Order of Merit and in 1978 his wins in USA, Kenya and Jap­an made him an international star; 6 consecutive tournaments in four continents. But serious back pain was emerging. 

British Open at St. Andrews, 1984
handsome winner

Then he won his first Under-25 Spanish Championship in Pedreña. His career achieve­ments included 93 tourna­ment victories including 5 Majors; The Open Champ­ion­ship in 1979, 1984 and 1988; the first Masters Tournament 1980 and the second in 1983. He won five World Match-Plays, two World Cups and played in nine Ryder Cups Matches.

Because of Seve, The Ryder Cup changed from a USA Vs a British and Ir­ish ev­ent, to a USA Vs a Continental European ev­ent. In 1979 Seve and Ant­on­io Gar­r­ido were the first continental pl­ay­ers allowed into the team! He repr­esent­ed Europe in 9 Ryder Cups! In 1987 the Europ­eans beat the Americans at home, Capt Tony Jacklin pairing Seve with José María Olazabal, marking Europe’s first victory in that event. His other victor­ies were in 3 British Open wins between 1979-88.

Seve revealed he would be captaining Europe in the 1997 Ryder Cup at Vald­errama, real­is­ing one of his dreams when this Cup was held for the first time in Spain. He gave a fascinating view of a sp­ortsman oper­at­ing at a heroic level, but he was actually strugg­l­ing with fail­ing health and expressing his volatile temper loudly. He hated the American media's portrayal of him as some rural, snotty Spaniard.

Of the 5 Majors he won, the first was the 1979 Open Championship, the youngest winner till then. Seve astounded the golfing world in 1980 by leading the Masters Tournament, making 23 birdies and 1 eagle. He was the first European to win the coveted Green Jac­k­­­et! In 1983 Seve captured his second Masters title with an amaz­ing last round. And when the 1984 Open Championship was held at St Andrews, Seve won on the last hole! But the anger continued

Left: Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson, Seve Ballesteros, Greg Norman (eventual winner)
Skins Game at the Australian Golf Club Sydney, c1985.

Normally, loud showing-off would make the winner look insensitive, but Seve performed his fist victory ritual that was to become his trade­mark. His third Open Championship came in 1988 at Royal Lytham & St Annes.

Carmen and Seve married in 1988 and had 3 children, Javier Baldomero, Miguel and Carmen Jnr. The couple later split up due to Seve's ongoing erratic behaviour.

Throughout his career many important awards were given to him. Ballesteros was elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame in 1999, and in 2000 he was named European Player of the Cent­ury; he became Spanish Athlete of the Cen­t­ury in 2000 and BBC Sports Personality of 2009. 

The huge European crowds were on Seve's side

Back pain excluded him from play over several years, and in 2007 he made his retire­ment official after The Open Championship. In Oct 2008 he was treated for brain cancer, dying in 2011 aged 53.  

Seve who was one of the sport’s most prominent figures in the 1970s and ’80s. He was known for his flam­boyant style of play and accum­ulated 85+ wins in international golf tourna­ments. Seve’s children are now in charge of his legacy. The Royal &Ancient St Andrews is celeb­rat­ing the life of the great golfer with a trio of unique tributes, 10 years after his passing. It incl­udes a feature-length documentary, publication of a great photobook by sports photo­­grapher David Cannon and the British Golf Museum in St Andrews.

Written by Dr Joe, a golf tragic

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