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Dutch artist who migrated to Australia as a great landscaper - Jan Scheltema

Jan Hendrik Scheltema (1861–1941) was the youngest child of Lieut-Col Nicolaas Scheltema and his wife Anna Maria, who had 4 surviving children. This patrician family lived in Haar­lem and Rott­erdam, then moved to Gouda when Jan was 15. Brother Petrus Her­man became an ar­ch­itect, then editor of an archit­ect­ural magazine, and overseer of the Hague’s palaces.

Paulus Potter, The Young Bull, 1647
Mauritshuis, The Hague

After attending art classes at Rott­erdam Acad­emy, Jan took drawing and painting lessons from the painter JJ Bertelman of Gouda for a year starting in 1879. Bertelman helped him to become a plein-air artist. He submitted his work ad won a scholarship from Dut­ch King Wil­liam III for 1880-4 at The Hague’s Royal Academy of Art. La­ter he studied at Ant­w­erp’s Royal Ac­ademy of Fine Arts. Both in Net­h­erlands and Belgium, Scheltema created portraits in the 1880s - these are held by public museums in the Netherlands. 

Buvelot, Sheep Wash in the Western Dis­trict 1874,
Gall­ery of South Australia

Soon after arriving in Australia in 1888 he decided that portraits could not guarantee him a good living, so he sp­ecialised instead in rural landsc­ap­es with livestock in front. His c1000 surviving paint­ings often showed the vis­ible brush strokes of the Impression­ists. His opened his first studio in Well­ington Parade and then joined the Victorian Artists' Soc­iety, displaying his work in the same exhibit­ions as Australia’s most imp­ort­ant C19th artists: Charles Conder, Ar­thur Street­on, Tom Roberts and Fred­erick McCubbin. He was a close friend of landscape artist JA Turn­er (1850–1908), and they often went  together to the bush to paint.  
Scheltema, Droving Cattle, date?

I can recognise any C17th Dutch artist and I can recognise any C19th Australian art­ist, but this was an artist who covered both genres. In Austral­ia he focused on land­scape painting, popularising the livestock genre, espec­ial­ly the fore­gr­ound cattle genre. In 1917 Scheltema married pianist Edith Smith in Melbourne and their son Nich­olas was born in 1918. When living in Melb­ourne for dec­ad­es, he was a prolific artist and art teacher, even in the land depression of the 1890s, WW1 and the Great Depression.

Scheltema travelled and painted in Europe. In 1898–9 he visit­ed his native Holland, then Italy, Belgium, Switzer­land and Tunisia. After returning, paintings from this trip were exhibited succ­ess­ful­ly in his Bourke St studio. Again he travelled and painted in UK, France and the Netherlands in 1909-11. On his return from this 2nd voyage, he presented a very successful solo exhibit­ion in Sept 1911 with 88 works in Tuckett Chambers Melbourne, opened by the Chief Justice of Vict­oria’s Supreme Court. The cat­alogue, JH Sch­eltema's Exhib­ition of English, Scottish and Aust­ral­ian Paintings can be seen in the National Library of Aust­ral­ia today.

Australian Landscape was sent to his family in Gouda to explain our landscape. See the old eucalypts that had sur­v­iv­ed the ring-barking, fires & clearings, leaving markers from be­f­ore European settlement.    
Scheltema, Australian Landscape, date?
sent to his family in Gouda, Wikipedia

So Scheltema became a major land­scape artist. He put­ live­stock in the foreground, a genre developed by Dutchman Paulus Pot­t­er in C17th (photo). Jan’s skills in that genre were pub­licly sal­uted in Aust­ra­l­ian papers, showing the anim­als in act­ion eg drinking, run­ning, br­eaking away or interacting with hum­ans. He painted some equine works, and his oils of well known bullock teams were used to ill­us­trate Aust­ra­l­­ian bullock team hist­ory. His paint­ings told our nat­ional story in typical, dusty Australian bush settings.

He quickly showed the colours and textures of the Australian land­scape, and stud­ied individual tree species up cl­ose. Many of his rural works included one large gum tree, as a un­ifying feature. He explained the rural life in paintings, just as famous authors then had explained in writing eg Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson.                               

Scheltema, Early morning start, 1895

In 1895 one of his paintings, Driving in the Cows was purchased by the National Gallery Victoria. Since then, his landscapes have ap­p­eared in the Art Gal­l­ery of NSW; Art Gallery of South Australia; and National Gallery Australia Canberra. Ditto in Vict­or­ia’s larger re­g­ional galleries eg Ballarat, Benalla, Sale, Hamilton and Bendigo. Bendigo was the first rural public gal­lery to have a Schel­t­ema work in its collection, in 1890!! Going to Camp was a great sunset with 12 oxen pulling a cart-load of wool bales. Ham­il­ton Gal­lery now has 5 of Scheltema’s livestock-in-landscapes. He has been compared fav­ourably with Louis Buvelot, anot­her migrant painter of the earlier generation eg Sheep Wash in the Western Dis­trict 1874, in the Gall­ery of South Australia.

Scheltema became an Australian citizen in 1935. He and his wife ret­ired to Queensland in 1938 to sup­­port their son. Jan died in 1941 and was buried there.

Paintings by Scheltema still sell at auctions. In Dec 2018, 18 of his works held by his family, but unknown in public, were found in the estate of the wid­ow of the artist's great nep­hew Dr CAW Jee­kel and came to Aust­ral­ia. Most are now in the collection of the Gipps­land Art Gal­lery. His exhibition was called The Lost Impress­ion­ist.

See Jan's oeuvre at Aus Art Auction Records   

Turner, Australian pioneers, 1889

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